A series of gruesome murders shakes the city. Gabrielle, a young rebellious investigator newly settled in the city’s surrounding area, must team up with Clémence, a veteran investigator on the verge of retirement, to solve these murders. Thus begins a terrifying race against time where the bodies – all men – pile up, and where the duo must both confront their own demons and reconsider what is possible, even real…
Scripted - Horror Drama
Number of seasons
1 season (6 episodes)
Mylène Mackay
Pascale Bussières
Lou Thompson
Joanie Martel
Mani Soleymanlou
Jannicko N’Doua
Marie Tifo
Pierre-Louis Sanschagrin
Stéphane Lapointe
Jaime Alberto Tobon
Frédérique Traversy
Patrick Lowe
Julie Provençal
Production Years
Production Company Encore Television in collaboration with Club Illico
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