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Bête noire

2 seasons - 6 x 45 minutes

Production years 2020, 2023

Trailer & Highlights

Trailer Season 1

Trailer Season 2

Programme Overview

An anthology series which presents a different story and a different set of characters in each different season, except for the team of investigators led by Eliane Sirois, a psychiatrist and a part-time coroner, and Sergeant Boisvert, an old school major crime investigator. Season 1 follows the quest of a family trying to understand what pushed one of them, a 16-year-old boy, to shoot some of his classmates and take his own life afterwards. Season 2 is a psycho- logical legal thriller which focuses on the trial of a 35-year-old mother who killed her own flesh and blood: an infanticide.

Programme Info

Scripted - Drama

Number of seasons
2 seasons (6 episodes)

Season 1
Isabelle Blais
Stéphane Gagnon
Marine Johnson
Zakary Auclair
Sophie Cadieux
Martin Dubreuil

Season 2
Charlotte Aubin
Mickaël Gouin
Stéphane Jacques
Sharon James
Agathe Ledoux
Sophie Cadieux
Martin Dubreuil

Patrick Lowe
Annabelle Poisson

Season 1: Sophie Deraspe
Season 2: Louis Bélanger

Season 1: François Rozon, Vincent Gagné, Louis Bolduc
Season 2: Louis Bolduc, Patrick Lowe, Julie Provençal, François Rozon


Production Years
2020, 2023

Production Company
Encore Télévision

Complete Episodes

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