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La candidate

1 season - 10 x 45 minutes

Production years 2023

Trailer & Highlights


Programme Overview

The Candidate follows the life and lessons of Alix, a struggling single mom who’s offered an opportunity to run as a paper candidate for a third party in an electoral district where she has zero chance of winning, so that the party can promote candidates everywhere. The offer comes at a time when Alix is fast approaching the end of her twenties and going nowhere in her life. She quickly accepts without giving it too much thought, partly as a favour and partly because… why not?

Programme Info

Scripted - Comedy Drama

Number of seasons
1 season (10 episodes)

Catherine Chabot
Christian Bégin
Éric Bernier
Geneviève Brouillette
Inès Talbi
Louis Champagne
Maka Kotto
Noé Lira

Original Idea and Writer
Isabelle Langlois

Sébastien Gagné

Vincent Gagné


Production Years

Production Company
Encore Télévision

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