The Academy tells the story of Agathe, Marie and Wendy who go to a private school for girls. After a summer filled with romantic break-ups, the three friends decide to make a pact: to ignore boys for their last year in high school. But their pact will be soon put to the test when the school management decides to launch a pilot project : to change the rules of the school and welcome a group of 13 male students. Will our three friends keep their promise and respect their pact?
Scripted - Teens
Number of seasons
3 seasons (30 episodes)
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Léa Roy
Juliette Gosselin
Sabrina Bégin Tejeda
Marianne Fortier
Antoine Desrochers
Rémi Goulet
Original idea
Sarah-Maude Beauchesne
Sarah-Maude Beauchesne
Kadidja Haîdara
Annabelle Poisson
Marie-Claude Blouin
Executive Producers
Marie-Claude Blouin
Vicky Bounadère
Félix Tétreault
Production Years
Production Company
Passez Go
Gémeaux 2018
Best Leading Actor
Nominated Best Youth Series & Best Supporting Actress
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